I'd go against a tank with a shank for my dreams.

This blog is simply my attempt to share with my friends and anyone else who happens upon it, music I'm into that I think they would like too.

It's not any genre or type specific. It's just music.

Besides, it's all an intangible pattern of noise and racket anyway.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

This is my first posting.

Okay, so here's my first posting and I hope you all enjoy it


The very first thing I want to post is a band I had the opportunity to play with once. We were playing the 2008 Macrock college radio festival in Virginia. It was a huge festival that took place all over Williamsburg, VA. Downtown was filled to the brim with bands and people who were there to see them. We were excited thinking that we would play to a large group of people. Well, we then got our band itinerary. Our venue was a few miles from downtown and really off the beaten path. Since we weren't so lame ass college indie rock band band, we weren't getting the primo venue. As it turns out though, it was a blessing in disguise because we played with Furnace. Simply put, a great band that's a throwback to when hardcore hadn't been ruined by pussies with swoops in girl pants. This record, Doublewalker (Doppelganger in German) was also recorded in Miami with Johnathan Nunez, the bass player for Torche. So yeah, it's good shit. Ripped from Vinyl.

Download Doublewalker

Secondly I'd like to post this:

Simply put, the best band of the 90's. Completely angry, incendiary, directed, intelligent hardcore with elements of crust, doom, power violence, grind, and melody all thrown in to boot. This is close to their entire discography (I don't think the split with Uranus is here), and it slays....HARD. If you guys don't know His Hero Is Gone, you should. You should get this and listen to this record religiously. It will change your outlook on music and life.

Download Discography pt. 1
Download Discography pt. 2

The last thing I'll post in my initial thread is a band I don't have an image for.
They were an old Little Rock band called Rainy Day Regatta and they were NOTHING like the first two band I posted up here. They started out as a 2 piece acoustic pretty folk act. Then, a girl came in, wrote some stuff with them played keyboards.
They had one full length called "The Music is On" that was released on Nate Powell's Harlan Records, then they put out a single sided 3 song 12" ep on Lee Buford's Landmark records that was entitled "Living As We Do In the Midst of So Much Ordered Light and Sound" which is a very long and artsy name that belies how good this band was.
This is a posting of both of those records. "Living As We Do..." was ripped from vinyl, so it has a few hisses and pops. That only adds to the awesomeness of the sound though. Enjoy.
Download Here