I'd go against a tank with a shank for my dreams.

This blog is simply my attempt to share with my friends and anyone else who happens upon it, music I'm into that I think they would like too.

It's not any genre or type specific. It's just music.

Besides, it's all an intangible pattern of noise and racket anyway.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

It's finally warmed up: Tem Eyos Ki and Left For Dead

Ah, the ground has thawed and I can, one again, function as a human being.
This is nice.

So, on today's plate will be an Arkansas band and a Canadian band.

The Arkansas band is Tem Eyos Ki. They broke up some years ago, but were fantastic. Members of Soophie Nun Squad, Tom Sweet, Them of Delphi, Sickshine, and lots of other projects; they were a band that almost bridged the gap between the punk and metal scenes
Made up of 2 metalheads and 3 punkers, they played fantasy metal really really fast and with feeling. This is everything I own by them, and may very well be everything they put out. It's a self-titled full length, a 7", and a split 7" with another Arkansas band called Hundred Years War.

download Tem Eyos Ki

The second band I wanted to post was a Canadian hardcore band called Left For Dead. They broke up in 1996 when this record came out. This is their side of a buzzsaw shaped split LP with another band called Acrid.
Left For Dead was crusty. They were hardcore. They were fast. They were many things. But, in all honesty, they were amazing.
This half of this record is one of my favorite pieces of music ever. The only downside is that at 45 rpms, it's only 9 songs long. THAT'S JUST NOT ENOUGH!!!

Left For Dead cover for buzzsaw LP Buzzsaw shaped Left For Dead/Acrid split

download Left For Dead

Dedicated to the memory of hardcore.

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